Tuesday, May 3, 2011

USDA Adds Chili to the Food Pyramid.

Chili Chat is very pleased to announce this momentous day in our Nation's history. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) informed Chili Chat, via personal phone call, that our country's favorite pastime has been added to the Food Pyramid.

Tervis Tumblers, the Associate VP of American Health and Wellness, contacted Chili Chat yesterday to break the wonderful news. "I knew right away that you (Chili Chat) would be my first call." said a delighted Tumblers. "We think the addition of chili and chili related products will do wonders to help boost awareness of Chili Chat and Chili Chat related products." he added.

This news certainly came as a welcomed surprise. With such a slow news week, we've been grasping at straws for chili related content. This news is sure to grab headlines across the globe. But be reminded, you heard it here first.

The addition of chili as one of the core food groups makes perfect sense. Most traditional chilis are made with some combination of meat, beans, peppers, onions and tomato sauce.  Everything the human body needs to function as a contributing member of society. The beauty of the USDA's decision, is that the food group "Chili" contains any and all chili related novelties. This is including, but not limited to Chili Go-Gurt, Kraft Chili Singles, Chili Slurpees, Chili Binaca and DQ's Chili Blast Blizzards. This will undoubtabley change the way the world eats, but more importatinly, it will finally deliver chili the proper respect it deserves.

The USDA is reccommending every man, woman and child eat 6-7 servings of chili or chili related products on a daily basis.  If you have any questions, comments, concerns or recipe requests, please feel free to contact a member of your Local Chili Tasters Union. This is a proud day for our stomachs and hearts!


1 comment:

  1. Chip- Make sure one of our guys sends Trevis an officially licensed Chili Chat wind-breaker.
