It is my pleasure to report that Chip Crinkle's 3rd annual Easter chili brunch was a smashing success. In 2009 Chip hosted his first chili brunch at the Klepton, WI Community Center. The benefit was able to raise $1,414 for the National Chili Taster's Union. This year his goal was $3,000, and he exceeded that mark. This year's event brought in $3,035 and showed the highest attendance in Easter chili brunch history.
The doors opened at 8:00 a.m. sharp and didn't close for nearly 12 hours. Even the Klepton city mayor, Bush Prenzler, showed up with his family. Be sure to check the Klepton Community Center's Myspace page for pictures from the event! The Chili Chat cooking staff worked around the clock to produce a whopping 93 barrels of chili. Kitchen staff reported that they went through one pallet of saltine crackers, 30 lbs of marble cheddar, and roughly a baby-pool of sour cream.

An eager Chip Crinkle waited by the door of the
Community Center for the first of the guests to arrive.

Chip Crinkle and the Klepton Community Center
were both dressed to impress.
Chili was served from open to close, and no one went home hungry. The day ended with a chili Easter egg hunt, and the crowd favorite; the chili dunk tank.
"Chip's always got a trick or two up his sleeve," regarded chili enthusiast Gilmore Fuzzle. "Last year he had a chili slip 'n slide and I about lost it. He's a tremendous fella." Fuzzle was proudly sporting his 2009 Chili Easter Brunch mock turtleneck.
Chili Chat would like to extend their apologies to Katy Plimpt and her family for their trouble at the brunch this afternoon. Fifth grader, Plimpt, was participating in the chili egg hunt when disaster struck. Plimpt cracked open one of the plastic eggs she found in the bushes, and the hot chili filling seeped out onto her hand and burned her. The minor spill left her with second degree burns on her left hand. Chip Crinkle arrived immediately with a sour cream cooling agent. She was later treated at St. Climpton's Memorial Hospital, and released that night. Chili Chat's legal staff are dealing with this matter with utmost importance.
Chili Chat would like to apologize to all of the people that ordered 2011 Easter chili brunch t-shirts. There was a mistake made somewhere in the ordering process regarding the size charts. Everyone that paid their $23.99 at the brunch will still be receiving their commemorative chili brunch t-shirts, but they will all be 2XL. Chili Chat would like to apologize for the mistake, and hopes to see you next year!
A 2009 Chili Easter Brunch mock turtleneck. Nice touch.