An in depth analytical composition of American Injustices and Chili Mediation -
Vol. 1

First there was Christopher Columbus enslaving the entire West Indies and stealing their chili recipes.
Followed by a union divided between beans and no beans.
We were told we must drink from separate chili fountains based on the color of our skin.
Minority patrons were ban from enjoying a cup of chili at the counter of their favorite diner.
Voting for your favorite chili at your town’s local chili cook-off was reserved solely for men.
But among all injustices our country has witnessed, one mediator has remained a constant bond between oppressor and the oppressed.
No, not pizza (Although, based on scientific fact everyone likes pizza). The great mediator of our country has not been a president, dignitary, religious leader or peace monger. It’s been a pot filled with meat, beans, veggies, chili powder and a dash of hope.
Since the age of the dinosaurs, Humans (Monkeys, Neanderthals, Cro Magnons and the illiterate included) have developed, refined and eventually perfected a main staple one pot meal for all of humanity to survive on. Originally made from limestone pebbles, hair, poison sumac and chili powder, the chili days of old have long since passed. With chili companies now topping the Fortune 500 list, most notably the second wealthiest corporation in the world, Chili Co. (Reportedly close to the release their long anticipated Chili Gusher fruit snack), we have certainly come a long, long way from eating our primitive cave chili. But throughout 2,000+ years of chili ingestion and innovation, we often forget that in the during all difficult and oppressing times our country has faced, not only were we there, but so was chili.
In the same way the United States has forever played tug-of-war with itself over issues of human rights, war and money. Chili hasn’t had it easy either, but you know what, it’s still standing too. Now, I’m not here to debate Cincinnati vs. Texas, White vs. Traditional or Hormel vs. Wolf. Everyone has their opinion and preference of chili. There is not and never will be a chili formula that will please the masses. We all prefer it a bit different, but in the end we all prefer it. How many other dishes can bring so many factions of people together over and over again, in a friendly bout of “I’m better than you” and walk away with a full belly and a smile. Maybe the ‘bowl of chili’ is the microcosm of acceptance. In order to rectify our injustices, we must turn to a common interest of common respect shared openly and willfully to all. May I suggest a world-wide chili cook off?
Chili Peace Now For A Brighter Tomorrow.


I think that a world wide cook off would be the only way to settle it. An all star panel would have to judge it. 9 of the best pallets you can imagine.