BBJ is back with the weekly update! According to my trusty car thermometer, the temperature is at a whopping 7 degrees. So I know you're thinking "breadbowl jones, what does the temperature have to do with chili???!" It has everything to do with chili, my friends.
Top NINE things to do with chili, besides eat it, in the winter time.
(In no specific order.)

1. Using a hard edge, line your windows and doors along the edges with a thick layer of hearty chili. It will keep the cold out, and the chili aroma in!
2. Ladle a hot scoop of your favorite chili into your socks in the morning. Guaranteed to warm your feet and surprise your co-workers! (Look out for pinto beans getting stuck between the toes.)
3. After a hard day's work, treat yourself to a chili bath. Keep an alternate set of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash at your place for such occasion. Cheddar cheese shampoo, sour cream conditioner, and Tennessee hot sauce as a body wash.
4. Ladle a hot scoop of Texas chili into every young boy and girl's halloween trick or treat bag. (-Lance Crackers)
5- Bring a giant tub of chili into the office and surprise your co-workers! Inspiration-----
6- Use chili to help dress a friend's open field wound! Sour cream anticeptic packets!
7- Get fashionable with your chili! Be bold and stylish, accesorize with chili. Don't be afraid to fill a pocket tshirt pocket to the brim. Let a little peek out? Put some on your shoulders, and casually wipe it off when the time is right. Be sure to see chili IN this spring.
8- Smoke your chili. Not in a smoker. Roll your chili up into cigarette papers and smoke them! Studies show that chili smokers have done 23% better on their ACT scores, as well as having much better vision.
9- Bring a crocker of your favorite chili to the next box social you attend!

%%%%% = Appropriate year round, not just winter time.
^^^^^ = just normal eating chili with friends
Don't forget! Nyle Riverwater will be driving the chili wagon around town this Saturday morning passing out complimentary chili biscuits! Yum!
Quotes and fun facts!
"Chili is not so much food as a state of mind. Addictions to it are formed early in life and the victims never recover. On blue days in October, I get this passionate yearning for a bowl of chili, and I nearly lose my mind." - Margaret Cousins, novelist
Will Rogers (1879-1935), popular actor, cattleman, banker, and journalist, called chili "bowl of blessedness." It is said that Will Rogers judge a town by the quality of its chili. He sampled chili in hundreds of towns, especially in Texas and Oklahoma and kept a box score. He concluded that the finest chili (in his judgment), was from a small cafe in Coleman, Texas.

BBJ out!
I just love the weekly update!