Friday, January 28, 2011

Chili Out During Cold and Flu Season

Be sure to bundle up this time of the year or you just might catch the dreaded chili virus that is going around. Have you experienced any of these symptoms?

  1. Runny pinto beans nose

  2. Cheddar cheese gooped eye lids when you wake up

  3. Sour cream flem in your thoat

  4. Discolored chives poop

  5. Noodle vomit

  6. A cayenne chili pepper level fever

If you are experiencing any or all of these symptoms there is only one thing you can do to fend off this sickness. Combat chili with chili. While it may sound counter intuitive think of it like an antibiotic. You must fight the bacterial strand with a like substance. In this case, more chili.

Have a friend or loved one go down to your local drug store to pick up some Tylenol Chili Syrup (I personally prefer the chipotle flavor. Yum! Yum!). And if you want to make it a little easier on your throat let the syrup soak up in a slice of sour dough bread and go ahead and eat on that soggy piece of goodness for the next half hour while your home from work and watching your favorite episode of Montel. This rich syrup will fight off those symptoms so quickly that you'll be back on your feet in no time.

Before Tylenol Chili Syrup

After Taking Tylenol Chili Syrup

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