Monday, January 31, 2011
Photo Update: Milwaukee Chili Bowl - 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
BREAKING NEWS: Chili Chat receives official endorsement from the 1992 NBA Dream Team.
Live from Chili Bowl 2011.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Breadbowl Jones' weekly upadate
Hope you Chili fun-atics are making some gnarly winter chili recipes. If you get a chance to, try Chip's latest chili. I believe he's calling it LoveWhisket. He uses his old stand by powder, but switches things up with a lemony zest on the back swing. Fore!
Don't forget- Chili Rivers will be performing this Saturday night at the handlebar on Beatdown Street. Don't miss!!!(Last time we saw him at the handlebar he played 'whiskey chili revival' on the third encore. Unforgettable!)
Congratulations to Tarl Swindler for winning the Elk Union's annual arm wrestling competition in Troontis, Pennsylvania. Tarl has been a chili blogger for years.
Have a good chili weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!---
Back by popular demand, THE CHILI QUOTES!!!!!!!!!!!
"Wish I had time for just one more bowl of chili." - Alleged dying words of Kit Carson (1809-1868) Frontiersman and Mountain Man
"Whenever I meet someone who does not consider chili a favorite dish, then I've usually found someone who has never tasted good chili." - Jan Butel, author of "Chili Madness," published by Workman Publishing, 1980.
"Next to music there is nothing that lifts the spirits and strengthens the soul more than a good bowl of chili. Congress should pass a law making it mandatory for all restaurants serving chili to follow a Texas recipe." - Harry James (1916-1983) band leader and trumpeter
The Chili Underground
The Velvet Underground. Possibly my favorite band of all time. So I've invested some time into looking for bootlegs and rarities. I have never been so excited until I found this gem on 180g vinyl. The famous "Warhol Chili Sessions: VU vol.1". I've got chills just thinking about it. Here is a beautiful snippet from the original version of "Heroin". Originally it was about Lou Reed's awful, awful chili addiction. Apparently, Warhol thought chili addictions were too pase', so he got Lou hooked on Heroin. Probably for the best.
Chili, be the death of me
Chili, it's my wife and it's my life
Because a mainer to my vein
Leads to a center in my head
And then I'm better off and dead
Because when the chili begins to flow
I really don't care anymore
About all the varieties in this town
And all the fools makin' it without beans
And everybody puttin' spoons in their vein
And all the empty cans piled up in mounds
'Cause when the chili begins to flow
Then I really don't care anymore
Ah, when the chili is in my blood
And that chili blood is in my head
Then thank God that I'm as good as dead
Then thank your God that I'm not aware
And thank God that I just don't care
And I guess I just don't know
And I guess I just don't know
Chili Out During Cold and Flu Season
- Runny pinto beans nose
- Cheddar cheese gooped eye lids when you wake up
- Sour cream flem in your thoat
- Discolored chives poop
- Noodle vomit
- A cayenne chili pepper level fever
If you are experiencing any or all of these symptoms there is only one thing you can do to fend off this sickness. Combat chili with chili. While it may sound counter intuitive think of it like an antibiotic. You must fight the bacterial strand with a like substance. In this case, more chili.
Have a friend or loved one go down to your local drug store to pick up some Tylenol Chili Syrup (I personally prefer the chipotle flavor. Yum! Yum!). And if you want to make it a little easier on your throat let the syrup soak up in a slice of sour dough bread and go ahead and eat on that soggy piece of goodness for the next half hour while your home from work and watching your favorite episode of Montel. This rich syrup will fight off those symptoms so quickly that you'll be back on your feet in no time.
Before Tylenol Chili Syrup
After Taking Tylenol Chili Syrup

Thursday, January 27, 2011
Mislabled ingnorance.
How can Pick n' Save have such low standards?
They're selling cans of poop mislabeled as hot dog chili.
I know we all make mistakes, but imagine sitting down ready to eat your favorite frankfurter, you take your shoes off, kick back, relax, life is good and then accidentally pour poop on your dog.
I don't know about you, but that worthy of ruining my day.
Hey Pick n' Save - Shape up or ship out!
Chil-Lax (patent pending)
I took this photo at Heaven on Seven in Chicago. Didn't have the chili and I probably should have. C'mon, at least offer chili shooters in the half shell. I'm not asking for the moon here.
- Chili-Mac
- Firehouse chili
- 4 and 5 alarm chili
- Hormel chili
- Chili juice
- Chili Go-Gurt singles
- Impaired muscle formation
- Nerve damage
- Mental confusion
- Liver damage and abnormalities
- Neuropathy
- Destruction of CoQ10, a vital nutrient for health
- Nausea
- Irritability and short tempers
- Hostility
- Homicidal impulses
- Rapid loss of mental clarity
- Amnesia
- Kidney failure
- Diarrhea
- Muscle aching and weakness
-Tingling or cramping in the legs
- Inability to walk
- Problems sleeping
- Constipation
- Racial slurring
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The Chili Curse
If you aren't from Chicago, the thing you likely remember most about this year, would be the #1 selling sophomore album 'Don't be Cruel' which put future crack-head Bobby Brown's voice pumping through your Clairtone boom-box.
Or you might remember going to the movie theater and seeing the film that is regarded as John Travolta's finest work. I am of course referring to, "Look Who's Talking."
However, if you aren't from the area, I'm about to fill you in on a little Chicago secret, the 2nd Chicago sports curse. The Chicago Bears Chili Curse.
The four seasons previous to '89, the Chicago Bears dominated the league. The team won a world championship, four straight NFC Central division titles, made two NFC Championship game appearances, and won 52 games out of 63.
So what happened in the season that would follow, that caused the team to finish 6-10?
My theory, chili happened.
Since what seemed to be the beginning of time, the Pepto-Bismol Taste of Chicago Chili Championship (PBTCCC) was dominated by hometown heroes. Local Chicago restaurants would work for months on the recipes on what is the most coveted trophy in the Chicago Chili Enthusiast Scene (CCES). The competition was often so fierce that the chefs would end up fist fighting, which was not only acceptable, but often encouraged to help the judges award the winner in the case of a tie.
This of course changed after the ruling by the PBTCCC Committee, due to the death of the legendary chef Bill "Chili-Man" Childers in 1983. The autopsy reported cause of death as "Chili and Chili Related Injuries". To date, this is only confirmed case where chili killed someone, but most people believe that spontaneous human combustion is also caused by chili.
In 1989, a new-comer entered the PBTCCC. The Silo Pizzaria, owned by admitted San Francisco 49's fans, brought a chili that would shake the landscape of the competition, and go down in Chicago Folklore. This now famous chili won nearly every vote in the PBTCCC's People's Choice Catagory (which of course is done blind).
The 1989 San Francisco 49's, under the heed of QB Joe Montana (who's autographed photo was just inches away from the trophy case pictured below), went on to a 14-2 season, and a Superbowl win. Over the next 10 seasons, the 9'ers would go on to win over 75% of the regular season games going 109-35 and picking up another Super Bowl win in the process.
To this day it's unknown if that '89 PBTCCC People's Choice winner had some kind of curse on it, but to this blogger, the facts speak for themselves.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Chili Chat represents at the Milwaukee Chili Bowl.
Be sure to get there early if you would like to have your chili autographed with Chili Chat's patent pending Sour Cream Sharpies. Rumor has it, that Chip Crinkle, Lance Crackers and Breadbowl Jones will be sitting in the chili dunk tank from 3:30-4:30.
Come on down and take your best toss with a sourdough softball.
Sunday Jan 30th, 2011 (12pm-5pm) at the Harley-Davidson Museum (Free Parking).
$10 in advance ($13 at the door) -
Bring in 2 non-perishable food items (preferably chili) and receive two extra sample vessels.
Can't beat that with a loaf of french bread!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Drowning my sorrows, in beef and beans.
Perhaps the only redeeming quality of yesterday's Bears loss to the Green Bay Peckers, was the free chili bar at 'The Monkey Bar' in Walker's Point. Greasy? Yes. Delicious? Indeed. A cure for watching your team roll-over in the NFC championship game? Nope. But like my man Meatloaf says, "Two out of three ain't bad."
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Chip Crinkle of Chili Chat, chalks up a charming review of County Clare chili (and alliterations).
Local piece of shit makes chili con carne.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
"Sean sent me this...FWD: We're going to Palomino next week. Jesse is getting bear meat in for chili."
That makes me want to try Manbearchili.
You know, it really tastes a lot like firehouse chili, just a little more manbear like.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Chili model of the week.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Should have had the soup
On the surface everything appeared to be on track. I was even persuaded into paying the $0.50 surcharge to include the onions and cheese.
Unfortunately, I would not have fed this chili to Bunyan's Ox, Blue. The chili was bland and dissatisfying. Furthermore, the onions were overpowering and raw (I ask how these kind people could make such a novice mistake?). I think it tasted more like Bunyon's bunions rather than chili. My journey took me nearly 210 miles to offer me nothing but disappointment. Alas, it is a lesson that none of us should forget. Not all chili is created equally. So next time you decide to put some fresh chili on or inside you body make sure you know which chili supplements are entering your system. Ignorance is not an excuse!
I guess I should have had the meatball soup.
A poem...for Tim...on his birthday.
the whole town was gathered - each Tom, Dick and Sally
to see who would win and be given the crown
of Chili Bean Princess of Tenderfoot Town.
Then along came Tim, with his mustache so proud
"You cannot win this!" shouted the crowd
He removed his knickers, his boots and his vest
And poured hot chili onto his chest.
The mixture of beef, beans, veggies and things
mixed with the musk of 1,000 kings
Sent the crowd into a quite a riot
They crowned the man with the chili diet.
The tales are true of this hero named Tim
Who filled the Tenderfoot Valley up to the brim
With his spicy gift sent from above
Many did drown, but it was done out of love.
As he turned to leave the chili flooded valley
He heard the muffled voice of wee young Sally
She said “Don’t forget to take your crown,
you are now the Princess of Tenderfoot Town.”
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The chili cremation
Hearing the story of poor Mr. Lee below got me thinking. Why spend only our living hours under the calming lull of chili, when we can get chili'd out in the afterlife???!
Remember Uncle Frank, or Grandpa Jeff, or Aunt Susie forever by getting them the Chili cremation package! Our mortuary provides the standard cremation services with a twist. We use the ashes of our loved ones to make fine chili powder. You can keep on enjoying Uncle Frank- by the bowl full.
A GREAT Vegi Chili.
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1/2 medium onion, chopped
- 2 bay leaves
- 1 teaspoon ground cumin
- 2 tablespoons dried oregano
- 1 tablespoon salt
- 2 stalks celery, chopped
- 2 green bell peppers, chopped
- 2 jalapeno peppers, chopped
- 3 cloves garlic, chopped
- 2 (4 ounce) cans chopped green chile peppers, drained
- 2 (12 ounce) packages vegetarian burger crumbles
- 3 (28 ounce) cans whole peeled tomatoes, crushed
- 1/4 cup chili powder
- 1 tablespoon ground black pepper
- 1 (15 ounce) can kidney beans, drained
- 1 (15 ounce) can garbanzo beans, drained
- 1 (15 ounce) can black beans
- 1 (15 ounce) can whole kernel corn
- Heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Stir in the onion, and season with bay leaves, cumin, oregano, and salt. Cook and stir until onion is tender, then mix in the celery, green bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, garlic, and green chili peppers. When vegetables are heated through, mix in the vegetarian burger crumbles. Reduce heat to low, cover pot, and simmer 5 minutes.
- Mix the tomatoes into the pot. Season chili with chili powder and pepper. Stir in the kidney beans, garbanzo beans, and black beans. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer 45 minutes. Stir in the corn, and continue cooking 5 minutes before serving.
- Allow Chili to cool and then smear all over your chest. Adore nipples with a dollop of low-fat sour cream.
Death by chili: An honorable end
Death by chili sauce.
Andrew Lee is a hero to us all and will forever be remembered. Add some sour cream and sharp cheddar and this blogger does not believe there to be a better way to pass.
Daily inspiration
Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.
- Chili Davis
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Sharing a mug with christ.
Monday, January 3, 2011
The Chili Shower
And here's how I do it:
- Nacho cheese shampoo
- Sour cream conditioner
- Saltine cracker exfoliating face wash
- Chili bodywash
- French bread lufa